What Dorset Equality is hatching for 2021

  • Applying ongoing pressure on local political and economic decision makers, urging them to be as energetic in promoting economic and ecological justice in the wake of COVID 19 as they have been in tackling the pandemic .
  • Growing our links with Weymouth and Portland Action on Wages (WeyPAW).
  • Welcoming Dr Danny Dorling, Halford Mackinder Professor of Geography & the Environment at Oxford University, to east Dorset on 1st October 2021 - details to follow.We plan to organise a meeting with 6th form and college students in the afternoon and an open meeting in the evening at a public venue - details to be announced. We will be delighted to hear from students/teachers/lecturers/members of the public who are interested in these occasions. Please contact dorsetequalitygroup@gmail.com; you will be informed as soon as details are finalised.